Idealpos allows you to record your complete transactional history with any of your suppliers.
To use Supplier Payments and Adjustments, you will need to have certain options selected.
To allow Supplier Payments and Adjustments go to Setup > Yes/No Options > Miscellaneous.
You use supplier payments to record the payments you have made to your suppliers as a record of your transactional history.
To make a payment to a supplier invoice, go to Transactions > Suppliers > Supplier Payments.
A new window will open and you will need to select a supplier by pressing the > button or directly entering the Supplier Code into the field.
Once you have selected your supplier, the window will now display contact information and any outstanding payments needing to be made.
It will also itemise each individual invoice that has been received from the supplier.
Select the invoice/s you want to action and press a button to enforce that action.
Pay- will only pay the selected invoice.
Modify- will allow you to enter a new payment amount on the selected invoice.
Pay All- will pay all invoices allocated to that supplier.
Auto-Allocate- will pay a set amount across however many invoices the amount provides for.
Once all selections have been made, you will need to enter a reference number > Press Process to allocate the action.
In our example, we have pressed to pay an invoice, which has entered the total into the Payment Total field.
A confirmation window will open to finalise the transaction.
You use Supplier Adjustments to adjust any payments or credits you may have made where there was an error after processing, or some other factor that hadn’t been taken into account.
Go to Transactions > Suppliers > Supplier Adjustments.
A new window will open and you will need to select a supplier by pressing the > button or entering the Supplier Code directly into this field.
Once you have selected your supplier, the window will now display contact information and a list of the credits you have committed for this supplier.
Select any of the functions that are displayed and choose one of the action buttons.
Adjust- will adjust the single line you have selected.
Adjust All- will adjust all lines you have selected.
Modify- allows you to input a certain amount against a single credit.
Once all selections have been made, enter a reference number and press the Process button.
A confirmation screen will open.